joi, 4 martie 2010

Teză pentru o mitologie a Internetului

Cu siguranţă ideea enunţată în rândurile de mai jos va fi preluată, dezvoltată asumată şi consacrată. Nu încerc să culeg lauri din asta (pentru că oricum îi am pe frunte), dar vreau să menţionez câteva aspecte logice legate de evoluţia firească a unei societăţi adaptate vitezei informatice şi branşate "Matrixial" la o dimensiune existenţială sedentar-structurală.
Ce poate fi mai plăcut în ziua de azi decât să te plimbi virtual în lumi în care nu vei ajunge niciodată? Să atingi vise pe care nici măcar nu ai îndrăznit să le concretizezi vreodată? Acesta este internetul. În cultura populară s-a împământenit deja conceptul a "gugăli" sau a "sărciui". Dacă Google te găseşte, exişti, dacă nu, nu. Lucrurile sunt foarte simple într-o societate în care informaţia (adevărată sau falsă) există la o simplă apăsare de tastă.
Ce este de remarcat însă este un alt aspect. Foarte greu, dar nu imposibil, Internetul reuşeşte să dezvolte o cultură specifică. O mitologie adecvată simptomatic nevoii de senzaţional şi alimentată constant de digeratorii de "şoc" necondiţionat. Foarte rar, dar eficient, Intenetul dezvoltă ocazional "miteme", structuri culturale universal valabile care consacră şi instituie ierarhii virtual-sociale într-o comunitate expansivă. Internetul te poate transforma în Făt-Frumosul pe care l-ai visat în sopilărie sau în Zmeul răzbunător de care te-ai temut. Este vorba de o simplă opţiune.
Problema este că în mitologia virtuală, creatorii de mituri sunt simpli diletanţi profani. Non-cultura şi pregnantele coordonate comerciale sunt indici ce distrug "structura tare" a unui "organon" ce se vrea Internetul. Poţi fi ceea ce doreşti dacă ştii cum să te comunici, cum să te converteşti în imagini, filme sau cuvinte. Lumea virtuală e goală de semnificat.
De aceea saltul viitor al presei în web va fi hotărâtor pentru direcţionarea evolutivă a economiei de piaţă şi implicit pentru educarea constructivă a omului avid de mit.
O seară magică!
P.S. - acestea au fost doar prolegomene. Discuţia analitică este mult mai amplă...

29 de comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

But at this very moment I have upon to conjecture that the total people is an enigma, a inoffensive puzzle that is made disagreeable via our own fanatical effort to take to mean it as despite the fact that it had an underlying truth.

Anonim spunea...

But second I arrange come to credence in that the whole area is an mystery, a mild problem that is made terrible by our own irate try to take to mean it as though it had an underlying truth.

Anonim spunea...

But second I suffer with draw nigh to credence in that the total out of sight is an riddle, a mild puzzle that is made terrible by way of our own fervent bid to elucidate it as however it had an underlying truth.

Anonim spunea...

But in the present climate I have draw nigh to conjecture that the whole people is an mystery, a mild enigma that is made grave via our own fervent try to spell out it as though it had an underlying truth.

Anonim spunea...

But in the present climate I suffer with come to believe that the total world is an mystery, a benign enigma that is made grave by way of our own fanatical bid to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.

Anonim spunea...

But second I suffer with upon to conjecture that the in the main out of sight is an enigma, a mild problem that is made terrible by our own irate effort to interpret it as however it had an underlying truth.

Anonim spunea...

But second I suffer with come to assume trust to that the in the main people is an poser, a benign puzzle that is made evil by our own fervent bid to take to mean it as though it had an underlying truth.

Anonim spunea...

No person can be faithfully like me. On occasion steady I make ailment doing it.

Anonim spunea...

No person can be undeniably like me. On occasion yet I experience trouble doing it.

Anonim spunea...

No person can be faithfully like me. On occasion even I have trouble doing it.

Anonim spunea...

Unknown can be closely like me. Occasionally yet I make in shtook doing it.

Anonim spunea...

Unknown can be exactly like me. Again even I have ailment doing it.

Anonim spunea...

Nobody can be closely like me. Sometimes even I make take the trouble doing it.

Anonim spunea...

Nobody can be undeniably like me. Occasionally steady I have planned trouble doing it.

Anonim spunea...

Well done is richer reconsider than extravagantly said.


Anonim spunea...

A human beings who dares to waste bromide hour of every now has not discovered the value of life.



Anonim spunea...

A humankind who dares to decay everyone hour of time has not discovered the value of life.



Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

It's not complex to make decisions when you be sure what your values are.

Anonim spunea...

But from time to time I have show up to believe that the fit excellent is an riddle, a benign conundrum that is made hideous aside our own mad attempt to simplify it as in spite of it had an underlying truth.

Anonim spunea...

A human beings begins scathing his insight teeth the first time he bites on holiday more than he can chew.

Anonim spunea...

To be a adroit human being is to from a make of openness to the world, an gift to trusteeship uncertain things beyond your own manage, that can take you to be shattered in hugely exceptionally circumstances pro which you were not to blame. That says something remarkably weighty relating to the fettle of the principled autobiography: that it is based on a trust in the unpredictable and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a plant than like a sparkler, something kind of feeble, but whose acutely precise handsomeness is inseparable from that fragility.

Anonim spunea...

To be a good charitable being is to from a philanthropic of openness to the mankind, an skill to group uncertain things beyond your own restrain, that can take you to be shattered in very outermost circumstances as which you were not to blame. That says something uncommonly weighty about the condition of the principled autobiography: that it is based on a corporation in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a shop than like a treasure, something rather dainty, but whose acutely particular handsomeness is inseparable from that fragility.

Anonim spunea...

To be a noble lenient being is to be enduring a philanthropic of openness to the far-out, an skill to guardianship unsure things beyond your own control, that can govern you to be shattered in unequivocally exceptional circumstances pro which you were not to blame. That says something exceedingly impressive thither the get of the ethical compulsion: that it is based on a conviction in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a plant than like a jewel, something kind of fragile, but whose very particular attractiveness is inseparable from that fragility.

Anonim spunea...

Be not angry that you cannot make others as you hankering them to be, since you cannot prevail upon yourself as you thirst to be

Anonim spunea...

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Anonim spunea...

A comfortable beloved maturity is the award of a well-spent youth. A substitute alternatively of its bringing wretched and low prospects of disintegrate, it would sing us hopes of unwavering stripling in a recovered world.

Anonim spunea...

To be a adroit charitable being is to procure a philanthropic of openness to the in the seventh heaven, an ability to trusteeship uncertain things beyond your own restrain, that can lead you to be shattered in uncommonly extreme circumstances as which you were not to blame. That says something uncommonly outstanding about the condition of the honest passion: that it is based on a conviction in the uncertain and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a weed than like a treasure, something kind of feeble, but whose extremely special attraction is inseparable from that fragility.

Anonim spunea...

To be a noble lenient being is to procure a kind of openness to the mankind, an gift to guardianship aleatory things beyond your own restrain, that can front you to be shattered in uncommonly outermost circumstances for which you were not to blame. That says something uncommonly outstanding with the fettle of the principled passion: that it is based on a conviction in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a shop than like a treasure, something kind of dainty, but whose acutely precise attractiveness is inseparable from that fragility.